
AI Influencers Look for Real Singers?

a group of four girls looking like kpop artists

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Many hot, trendy AI humans introduce themselves as musicians, but they need real singers behind them to sing songs.

A lot of influencers tend to have jobs as if they were real people. For example, Shudu Gram is a supermodel, and one of the most famous virtual, AI influencers, Miquela, is portrayed as a singer.

Of course, there are virtual musicians like Hatsune Miku who use a computer-generated synthetic voice, but most virtual humans need real, human singers to sing invisibly behind them. Since the development of this blog, no AI influencers have the capability to generate voice from text that is completely capable of singing

Why don’t they sing with AI voice?

You might first wonder why they do not just use an AI sound? Because it’s not as simple as it sounds. Even though many Vtubers have been successful with releasing countless songs and cover songs, virtual humans have developed different personalities.

Vtubers seem more like a cartoon character, while AI humans look like real people. If they have an AI voice, people would not admire them as much as they do now.

All in all, AI humans need to sing perfectly like a human, but they haven’t figured out how AI can sing perfectly.

Tech is not yet ready?

Unlike deep fake K-pop, where it’s easy to synthesize appearance and voice, it’s not so easy to make an AI sing without human assistance.

However, there is a lot of work and research on this topic, and it is only a matter of time before this technology is used in practice.

Typecast has shown that this is possible with the release of four rapper characters. The video below is one of their rappers, Viqqie, who is 100% sung by an AI rapper.

AI musicians look for real singers

Not only virtual celebrities from the States, but also AI kpop girl band needs real singers.

After the explosion of Kpop in the global market, many Korean AI companies are trying to create AI K-pop girl bands, and one of these AI girl bands has made its debut. They are called ETERN!TY, and at first glance, you might think that it is a typical Kpop girl band.

Since they debuted as a girl band, they had to sing, but they needed real singers to sing for them.

If you watch the video below, the song is sung by another real singer, and it clearly shows who the real singer is to give her credit.

The takeaway

The trend, technology, and culture seek to have another universe in our reality.

Although there’s still a long way to go to achieve what we aspire and desire, it won’t be long before we see AI musicians singing with 100% AI voices without human singers having to stand behind them.

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