
3 Cool Things About Virtual AI and Virtual Influencers

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Virtual AI is increasing in popularity as the term “metaverse” becomes more of a household name.

But if you are someone who is interested in this trend, you need to know the facts. Virtual humans have always existed and they have been called by different names. Some say they are virtual Vtubers or virtual vloggers. Others say they are virtual actors and virtual influencers.

Whatever they are called, it is clear that we live in an age where virtual influencers have not only become popular on YouTube, but everywhere, from product video creation to AI music generation.

1. Uniqueness

Virtual AI seems to be a fairly new thing, but they have always existed as 2D or 3D characters. Rather, they have evolved into an AI or virtual human. Like a human actor with a witty personality, popular virtual influencers have a unique personality and are something people admire.

For example, Kizuna AI, a famous virtual vtuber or Youtube avatar, is known worldwide and has more than three million subscribers on YouTube. She is curious to know more about people and has a desire to get along with them. The way she talks is funny and makes you want to talk to her.

With video voice editing, of course, she does not have to reveal who is actually behind her and can continue to interact with people as if she were one of our best friends.

One of her specialties is a great talk show where she chats live with her fans, answering questions and making witty comments. Many people have even wondered who the voice behind her is and how her voice is generated.

a face of lil miquela and a face of shudu

2. They NEVER disappoint their fans

Many virtual celebrities tend to have a job in which they have the potential of a real star. For example, Lil Miquela, a self-proclaimed robot girl, is a singer and 19 years old and lives in LA. Virtual supermodel Shudu is also a model, and these jobs have the potential to become a real star in a very short time.

Why did they choose this kind of jobs? Because the purpose of their birth is to attract people’s attention, and thus they are born as stars who must meet the expectations of their fans.

Indeed, celebrities have a lot going on in real time, and sometimes it’s too much to handle. It is not surprising when big brands have to cancel contracts with famous celebrities because they have mentioned or done something that damages the brand’s image.

victoria’s secret model excerpt from the washington free beacon

We do not have to worry about virtual influencers overdosing on drugs or alcohol. They have a strong team that supports them and leads their lives in a way that their lives have been and will be perfect.

24/7 neon sign

3. Available 24/7

It’s ironic that people say they want their favorite celebrities to have a good time and take good care of themselves while working hard, but when they do not appear in the media for a long time, they start judging them by saying they might have made enough money.

Virtual influencers are always there when people need them because they can work 24/7. They are never stressed and do stupid live streaming, complaining about how exhausted they are while high and stoned.

The takeaway

We really enjoy these new virtual humans because they give us a whole new perspective on media and the new way we interact with people. If only their voice was as unique as their face, it would be flawless. When will we get to see the perfect virtual celebrities that don’t need a human to speak for them?

With the ability to make type to speech sing, we can even create AI-made virtual celebrities 100% powered by AI. Also, a good voice generator can be their mouth in real time.

The last hint of a voice is like a drop of water in the desert, and the perfect virtual human for everyone will surely come soon. Typecast even offers virtual humans for those who want to use the perfect face and voice for their video content.


Lil Miquela Instagram Photo
Shudu Instagram Photo

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