
How to Give an Audible Gift Card to Someone

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Gift cards have proven to be a fast and efficient way to share gifts with friends and family. Whether you are planning to give an audible gift card to your bibliophile friend, or a family member who loves listening to podcasts, you can do so by following a few simple steps. 

Sending an Audible gift card via 

  1. Go to the Audible website (
  2. Hover over the Browse button located at the top left of the screen. Select Gifts under Explore Audible section. Alternatively, you can also visit the Gift Center.
audible browse genre list
  1. Audible has four different gift options: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months. 
audible subscription plan
  1. Select the option you wish to gift. Choose if you want to send it to the recipient’s email or as a print copy to be hand-delivered.
  2. Fill in your details and also the recipient’s details. Add a personalized message. 
  3. Customize the gift card.
  4. Review your order, add a payment method, and place your order.

The recipient will receive an email with the audible gift card details, including instructions on how to redeem the gift card, and your personal message. They can then use the gift card to purchase audiobooks or membership on Audible.

Can I gift only one book or one podcast?

Audible gives you the option to gift a specific book or a podcast from Audible’s catalog collection. 

  1. Go to and sign in to your Audible or Amazon account.
  2. Search for the audiobook you want to purchase as a gift.
  3. Click More options and choose Give as a gift.
  4. On the screen, choose if you want to send the gift through email (digital card) or a printed copy (to be hand delivered or mailed). Enter the sender’s and recipient’s details. Add an optional message if you wish.
  5. Review the information and choose a payment option. Add your payment details.
  6. Click Confirm Purchase.

You will receive an email confirming your purchase. Your recipient will receive an email letting them know that they have received a gift (if you chose the email option). 

Can you gift Audible gift card to an Audible member?

Yes, you can gift any of the plans to an existing audible member. Once you send the gift, they will receive an email and can access the gift card. 

How many credits come with an Audible gift membership?

Membership plans include credits based on the duration of the membership. For example, a 3 month membership will have 3 credits (1 credit for each month) that the giftee can use to purchase any title in the entire premium selection.

Credits expire in 12 months. For example, if you purchased the gift on Jan 15th, 2023, the credits will expire on Jan 15th, 2024.

Each membership plan comes with a Plus Catalog which is a collection of thousands of podcasts and audiobooks that the giftee can listen to without spending any credits. 

To learn how to cancel your audible subscription, read How to Cancel Your Audible Subscription in a Few Steps.

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