Setting up proper voicemail is important, especially if you run a business.
When people meet someone for the first time, they have a first impression. Even though we should not judge a book by its cover, we tend to judge someone by the first impression we get. The same is true of the voice.
We’ll briefly explain how you can use online AI tools like Typecast’s voicemail greeting generator to create professional business voicemails that sound like they were recorded in a professional voice acting studio.

Choose the most appropriate voice for your industry.
You may think that it’s difficult to deliver a message in a good, steady tone of voice and that you need to practice for it or find someone to record your business voicemail for you?
There is a voice-over service that allows you to use any voice you want, and there are many options to choose from, such as a moderate announcer, a cheerful sportscaster, or a child’s voice.
If you think online speech does not sound natural, there are AI text-to-speech applications that understand the context and nuance of what you input, allowing the voices to sound like they were recorded by real people.

Personalize your message by setting different tones
If you need to find someone or record a message yourself, you need to use it for at least more than 6 months, because why change it?
But everyone loves personalized messages and variety. You can choose from more than 520+ natural voices to set a different mood and tone every week. It’s a piece of cake because all you have to do is type your message and download an audio file.
When you adjust the emotion, pitch, and tone, no one will notice that your voicemail, or business videos were created by an AI voice actor, and that’s exactly what Typecast is known for.

How to try different types of voice-overs yourself for your business voicemail
- You can try out Typecast without signing up here.
- You can write your business voicemail message in the text editor.
- Choose any characters you want after listening to their voices.
- Adjust emotions, tone of voice and speech tempo as you wish.
- When you are satisfied with your sample, click the “Download” button at the bottom of the editor.