
How Long Can a TikTok Video Be in 2022?

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According to an internal survey at Tiktok, around 50 percent of participants surveyed said that they found TikTok videos longer than a minute stressful. Also, based on the survey one-third of the users watched videos at 2x speed.

TikTok Video Length in 2022

animated person on a phone screen

When TikTok had just started in 2016, creators could only make 15-second videos. Slowly the video length on TikTok increased to 60 seconds, a minute, and so on. Though you can still create 15 second TikTok videos, there are more options in terms of length now.

Today, you can create TikTok videos between 3 seconds to 10 minutes long.

The concept behind keeping the video length to only 15 seconds was to capture the viewer’s attention, offer quick bites of consumption, and keep people on the platform. The platform believed that the shorter the video, the more people will scroll and stay on the platform for long.

Does TikTok Want Longer Videos in 2022?

woman holding a phone showing TikTok logo

TikTok is aware of its audience’s short attention spans, but the platform still wants users to start creating longer videos. This is because long videos are more sustainable for platforms that generate revenue through advertising.

Longer videos mean the users will stay on the platform, encouraging advertisers to spend more.

With longer videos, TikTok would also be competing with YouTube which makes up the largest portion of video-making globally.

TikTok has already experimented with 5-minute and 10-minute videos on various users and is ready to move towards the longer video model.

What is an Ideal TikTok Video Length?

tiktok interface showing video, home, icons, and other icons

While any TikTok idea can be of any length between 3 seconds to 10 minutes, the ideal TikTok video length is between 21 and 34 seconds. However, the length is also dependent on the kind of content you are publishing. 

For example, some creators love narrating stories about their daily life experiences. While packing the whole story in 15 seconds is doable, it will leave users dissatisfied and asking for more. An ideal length for such a TikTok video would be between 30-60 seconds.

Similarly, some videos should only last for 15 seconds and if stretched out, the users will quickly scroll to the next one. An example of such a type of video could be pulling a funny prank on your friend. If you are taking too long to get to the ‘action’ part, the viewer can get impatient and move on.

So, your safe bet would be to stay between 15 – 60 seconds.

What is an Ideal TikTok Video Dimension?

camera lens showing video finder view

The ideal and recommended video dimensions on TikTok are 1080 x 1920 pixels. These are the standard dimensions of a video when you capture it using a phone. Also, make sure to capture your video in portrait mode.

The supported video format on Tiktok is MP4 and MOV. 

In terms of video size, Android users can upload videos up to 72 MB, while iOS users get 287.6 MB.

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