
How to Premiere a Video on Facebook

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Are you looking for ways to create more engaging content on Facebook; then you may be wondering about Facebook Premiere Videos. How do they work? In this blog post, we will answer your questions and show you how to premiere a video on Facebook!

Premiering a video on Facebook is a great way to generate excitement and engagement for your business. However, when you premiere a video, it is published as a “live” video, not an actual live experience. This differs from Facebook Live, which is open to everyone. We’ll explain what they are, how to use them, and why they’re a great way to create engaging content. Plus, we’ll give tips on making the most of them!

What is a Facebook Premiere Video?

A Facebook Premiere Video is a video that allows businesses to publish a pre-recorded video as a “live” Facebook video post. This differs from going live on Facebook Live, which is open to everyone and is a live streaming video. The benefits of streaming live on Facebook Premiere, rather than submitting a video as a regular feed post, include access to the privileges that come with it.

Some benefits of going live on Facebook include increased visibility in news feeds and real-time feedback from viewers. You can also create more excitement for videos than with regular posts.

person using facebook on phone and laptop

Is a Premiere Video Better Than a Facebook Live Video?

Many would argue that there are advantages to using Facebook Premiere over Facebook Live.

A Facebook Premiere is when your page sends an announcement post about an upcoming video. This lets your audience like, share, and comment ahead of time. People also have the option to subscribe to the Premiere and get notifications before it goes live.

Unlike a regular Live broadcast, you are not required to be present for a Facebook Premiere. Instead, the material is automatically transformed into a video post on your Page after your Premiere expires.

The video post saves all the likes, shares, and comments received throughout the broadcast. New viewers will be able to see all of the live viewer engagement when they first view the video.

How To Create a Premiere Video Using the Facebook Creator Studio

The Facebook Creator Studio is a tool that allows businesses or influencers to post and manage their Facebook content. This includes both Premiere videos and Live videos. To Premiere a Facebook video post, follow the steps below.

  • Navigate to the Creator Studio – Type in the URL and find the “Create New” on the Dashboard menu.
facebook creator studio UI create post
  • Upload a Video – Upload your business’s video or select a video you have already uploaded.
facebook creator studio UI
  • You Can Add a Title And Description – you can add a title and description to your video, so viewers will know what it’s about. You can also set a thumbnail by selecting a frame from the video or uploading your image.
facebook creator studio media menu

The ideal aspect ratio for a video thumbnail is 1.91:1, and the minimum size has to be 400 x 150. However, we recommend 1080 x 1920 for the best quality. Ensure you add all relevant social tags to increase engagement with the right audience.

  • Schedule Your Premiere – You can schedule your video to go live at a specific time or choose to publish it immediately. You can also choose to end the Premiere early if you want. Make sure to select an image; this image will act as a placeholder until it’s time for your event.
facebook creator studio UI publishing options menu
  • Finish and Share – After you’ve set everything up, click “Create Event.” Your video will now be available to watch on your Facebook page!
facebook creator studio UI other options

You can also browse these options, as they allow you to determine how your audience can interact or behave while watching.

  • Indicating where your post will appear on Facebook.
  • Allowing other Pages to share your Premiere.
  • Adding the Premiere to a playlist.
  • Adding tracking codes.
  • Adding a button to raise money for a nonprofit or fundraiser.
  • Create the Event – After you’ve decided on your settings, it’s time to create the event! You can do this by clicking “Create Event” in the bottom right-hand corner of the menu.

How Facebook Premiere Videos Can Ultimately Help Businesses and Influencers

There are several ways businesses and influencers can use Facebook to their advantage. Facebook provides a great way to connect with customers or followers in real time. Additionally, Facebook offers several features and tools to help businesses increase their reach and engagement.

Using Facebook Premiere, businesses and influencers can create announcements and build anticipation for upcoming events or product releases. Additionally, Facebook Premiere offers the opportunity to increase engagement by allowing people to like, share, and comment on the video before it goes live. Overall, Facebook provides many features and tools to help businesses and influencers connect with their audience.

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