
How to Edit TikTok Captions

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TikTok might be a little confusing for first time users. The app releases frequent updates and new features that are designed to make the user experience better, but it could also be overwhelming. However, simple features such as TikTok caption is an easy and essential tool to master for you to attract more viewers. So, read this article to learn more about it. 

How to edit TikTok caption 

TikTok has an in-app feature which allows you to add captions. 

  1. Film your TikTok video or upload one from your phone gallery 
  2. Click on the Text button at the bottom of your screen to add captions 
  3. Edit TikTok caption using various default effects.
    1. A icon allows you to add highlight to the text
    2. Explore a wide range of fonts offered by TikTok 
    3. Change the color of your TikTok caption from the color wheel at the bottom of your screen.

How to edit Auto TikTok Caption

mobile phones with tiktok open

You could also have an auto caption for your video. This feature will save you a lot of time from manually adding captions to your video. However, only spoken words can be captioned and you will not be able to customize your captions. If you want to use specific fonts or colors, add your TikTok captions manually instead. 

  1. Open TikTok and record or upload video content 
  2. Tap check mark to enable editing mode then click on Captions on the right side of your screen 
  3. TikTok will automatically generate captions for your video
    1. If you would like to edit incorrect words or make other adjustments, click Edit button
  4. Click Save

Using other applications

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If you are keen to produce more professional videos, you could do your video editing on a third party app. For example, Adobe Creative Cloud’s Premiere Pro or Premiere Rush also allows you to add, edit and delete text captions. 

Ensure that your video is shot in TikTok dimension, if not adjust the video size accordingly. Then Click on File > New > Caption to manually add in TikTok quotes or edit TikTok captions. 

However, unless you are looking to make highly detailed edits, most video editing features are also available on TikTok. Try the Stitch TikTok feature which allows you to combine another video on the platform with the one you are creating. Similarly with merging a video, this enables a viewer to “stitch” to your video and create a new content. 

If you would like to simply post the same content, you could utilize the TikTok repost function. This prevents you from having to download a video uploaded by another user then uploading it again on your profile. 

With this said, there are a lot of tools that you could use on TikTok to make your videos more interesting and engaging. TikTok caption is a catchy method to attract more views. It enhances the overall understanding of the video, and also users don’t really need to listen when watching your content. TikTok captions really come in handy if you are in a public or loud space without airpods, but would still like to watch some videos.
In-app features including TikTok quotes are super easy to follow and use, so even if you are a beginner on the content creator scene, try to get your hands on various features!

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